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What to pack for your cruise to Mozambique, 22 indispensable items

Written by Alex Schwager | May 04, 2022

The first thing you should pack for your MSC cruise to Mozambique is a sense of adventure. You are going to have the time of your life in what some people call "a hidden gem."

Footwear, toiletries, clothing, documents, and accessories are the essentials to pack on your cruise. Make sure you have plenty of T-shirts, shorts, casual skirts, or sundresses.

The days are warm but the ship has air conditioning onboard and it might be a little cold at times - keep this in mind.

When you are having lunch or dinner, you will have to dress appropriately. None of the cruise lines will let you eat in your swimsuit.

And now, the list! Here's what we recommend you bring on a trip to this beautiful country:



Let's look at the Mozambique cruise packing list!

1) Suitcase

A wheeled suitcase will make it easy for you to carry all of your holiday gear without straining yourself too much! It's always a smart idea to get one with lockable zips because then no thief can break into them during transit - which means they won't be able to steal any of those precious souvenirs either!

Remember that your suitcase is dropped in front of your cabin during the embarkation process, and you leave it out at night during the disembarkation. Two great opportunities for anyone having dubious thoughts.

2) Combination Lock

A combination luggage lock is a must to keep your belongings safe. A good one will have flexible handles on it, which makes it easier for you to attach the padlock onto zips and make sure nothing gets stolen from inside your suitcase while traveling or at an airport security line.

3) Power Bank

With a power bank, you won’t have to worry about your phone dying while on the cruise! You can charge your phone anywhere and at any time.

A power bank is an essential item for anyone who wants a fun vacation without worrying that their social media will be neglected because of low battery life.

4) Cruise Lanyard

A lanyard can make your cruise experience so much easier! You'll always have your cruise card for easy access and won't risk losing it.

5) Water Bottle

You may want to invest in a stainless steel water bottle before you go on your next cruise. This will keep your drink cool and without any of the additional plastic waste that comes with disposable bottles.

Don't forget to take it ashore with you when you visit a port, go to the beach or if you are part of any excursions.

6) Phone Charger

You will want to be able to charge your phone during the night. Instead of taking a charger that you may lose on the cruise, buy an adaptable one that can work for any type of device and take it with you when travelling.

7) Pillow

Fall asleep to the sound of waves crashing on the shore. Pack your own pillow for a comfortable and deep sleep.

MSC Cruises cabin pillows are super comfortable, but you can never replace your own.

8) Nightlight

This is specifically if you are in an inside stateroom or for those nights without a moon.

The lights in your cabin might be too bright to use at night. There's nothing worse than waking up and not being able to see what is going on around you, so a travel-sized nightlight will make it easier for you during those late nights when the panic sets in.

9) Shower Organiser

Save space and keep everything tidy by bringing a shower organiser with you on your next cruise.

A hanging organiser will help you to make the most of cramped bathroom spaces while also keeping your shampoo bottles sorted according to use!

10) Magnetic Hooks

Magnetic hooks are a practical way to keep everything in your cabin neat and organised while staying stylish.

11) Beach Bag

For a great beach experience, don't lug around heavy travel bags! Instead, pack a few belongings in your lightweight backpack.


12) Sun Hat

Don’t be that lobster tourist who gets sunburned to a brilliant shade of red. Bring a hat to protect your face and neck from the harsh African sun rays!

13) Flipflops

Flipflops and boat shoes are perfect for warm-weather cruises, but you should avoid wearing them in the main dining room or speciality restaurants. You may also want sneakers to use at the onboard gym.

14) Sunscreen

Sunburns are the worst. If you’ve ever had one, it’ll be hard to forget that throbbing sensation and burning skin feeling that lasts for days.

That being said — don't let your lack of experience with sun protection scare you from spending time in the summer sunshine- if only protected by a high factor sunscreen!

15) Sunglasses

The sun can be just as harsh on your eyes, which are delicate and sensitive to light. Protect them from the glaring rays outside by wearing polarised lenses that will cut out a lot of glare coming off the water.

16) Snorkelling Gear

I always pack my own snorkeling gear when I go abroad. It's the best way to explore the ocean around Portuguese Island and Pomene and get up close with some fish!


17) Sarong or shorts

You want to feel comfortable around the pool and at the beach. Pack some shorts or a sarong for the ladies. This will also assist you when you want a quick bite to eat at the buffet but are still in the middle of suntanning.

18) Rashguard

Rashguards are an essential garment for anyone who is spending time in Mozambican waters. The sun's rays can be damaging, and these garments offer protection from that while also providing a layer of insulation against heat waves during the summer months.

19) Dry Pouch

Keep your valuables safe with a secure dry pouch while traveling to and from cruise ships.

20) Motion Sickness Pills

There are a lot of factors that can contribute to feeling sick on a cruise. some people suffer from mild motion sickness, while others have severe symptoms like vomiting and dizziness.

Not everyone has the same reaction so it is important to take precautions before you go aboard your vessel in order to not get seasick for long periods of time.

A good way to avoid this discomfort altogether is with an acupressure band because they work without any drugs or side effects associated with them, which means fewer complications during your trip!

If you suffer from motion sickness on the ship, the shop has a variety of products that will help. You can also check with reception if they have any tablets available for free.

21) Painkillers

You might have a great night partying and wake up with the world's worst hangover, or just be hit by an unexpected headache.

Be prepared and pack some pain medication because it can get expensive on board the ship!


22) Toiletries

Don't forget to take your own toothbrush, toothpaste, sunblock, aftersun and hairbrush.

The ship will provide a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, as well as body wash, in all showers onboard the vessel. But they are not always the best quality product. If you have forgotten anything, you can purchase what you need in the shops on board.


Tips to pack your bag

Packing your bags for a cruise holiday can be an arduous task, but it doesn't have to be. Follow these easy tips to ensure you're packing as efficiently and effectively as possible!

  1. Make a packing list - In this article we have outlined a general list for your cruise. You may find it helpful to personalise your own checklist and get packing!

  2. Know the weight limits - Most cruise lines do not have any weight or baggage limit per person. The cruise line recommendation is the same as the airlines, 1 x standard bag per person.

  3. Pack your own bags - This is extremely important, especially when coming back from your cruising holidays. You don't want to get to the port and get caught with anything that is not yours.

  4. Use a carry-on - Pack it with the clothes that you will need to enjoy the pool, go to the restaurant and have some food, and most importantly some fun. This is for the afternoon after you've boarded the ship. (Your bags take a number of hours to get to the cabin.)

  5. Use toiletry bag - Don't pack your toothpaste, shaving cream, or any of your beauty products in the middle of the rest of your belongings. The last thing you want is a stain on your new swimsuit.

  6. Have a secure lock - Your suitcase will spend a significant time on its own throughout the embarkation process.

  7. Enjoy your cruise -Cruising is such an amazing family holiday. Your kids can roam free in a safe environment, while you have fun enjoying the pool, having a drink, relaxing at the spa, or just taking a nap.


What to pack for my Mozambican Cruise FAQs

Do my MSC Cruises cabin have a hairdryer?

No matter where you're cruising off to, all cabins have a standard hair dryer waiting for you. You'll be able to dry your hair quickly and get back out there ready for anything!

How long is an MSC cruise from Durban, South Africa to Mozambique?

A cruise up the Mozambican coast is normally a 3 or 4-night cruise holiday to Portuguese Island and/or Pomene.

A 3-night cruise will depart from Durban on Friday afternoon and be back on Monday morning.

A 4-night cruise will depart from Durban on Monday afternoon and return on Friday morning.

A couple of cruises are longer, such as the Christmas cruise and New Year cruise, each one between 5 and 12 nights.

Related: All cruises for MSC Cruises from Durban 

When is the MSC season in the Indian Ocean?

The normal cruise season goes from October / November to March / April with rare exceptions starting in September and ending in May.

Do I need to take malaria tablets for my cruise?

Mozambique is at a high risk of Malaria throughout the country. The highest risk of malaria transmission is during the rainy season from November to April.

Both Portuguese Island and Pomene are within a malaria area. MSC recommends checking with your GP.

However, nowadays, Mozitec (Malarone/Malanil) has almost no side-effect and is available over the counter.

Can you bring full-size toiletries on a cruise?

The cruise line will currently not restrict the size or quantity of personal hygiene products that a guest can bring onboard the vessel.

Can I bring non-alcoholic drinks in my bags?

MSC does not allow you to bring any drinks in your bags, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, unless it is especially for your kids, like formula. As well as any allergy-specific items, that have to come with a doctor's note.

When is the South African cruise season?

The cruising season normally starts in early November and ends in April or May.

Are there cruises from Cape Town to Mozambique?

MSC sometimes offers specials where the cruise line will add two itineraries back to back. You will hop on the ship in Cape Town, stop in Durbs and then continue your journey up the coast.

The duration will then normally be a 4-night cruise to Durbs and an additional 3 or 4 nights visiting the Mozambican waters.